Saturday, June 7, 2008

Second Weekend

This is the second weekend for me in New Zealand, so far so good, got a house to live in, did my first day of work last friday, met nice people, I like the pace and traffic is definitely less aggressive than the previous town I lived in (people really give way). Oh and there are public toilets all over town and they are clean (i.e. no inclination to puke). I went to the main public library yesterday and found a great art section which made me happy. I also walked to the railway station which is super clean but tiny to European standards but nevertheless it breathes like a real railway station, people hanging out waiting for the next train, little shops, people running, people queuing up for tickets, people looking for the platform and departure time etc. I walked back to the hotel along the water front and passed a tiny historic building that used to be the first ferry ticket office. It included a text on the side that explained the history of the Wellington ferries. It also mentioned that there used to be trams running through the city... that must have been a great sight, trams with ferries in the back ground :-)

I know I should post more pictures but so far I just enjoy walking around the city and not being concerned with extra responsibilities :-) By the way the weather is great for walking over here, cool and windy, a great sense of being outdoors. I hope to strike out to nature areas outside Wellington and start to recover my sense of smell (unless I completely lost that in LA :-) )

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