Tuesday, June 3, 2008

House Hunting

Got up relatively early this morning and had breakfast before cashing in my first check at the bank. Subsequently I went over to "Dick Smith Electronics" to buy a microphone for my computer so that I can call people through Skype. Dry but cloudy today by the way. Took the car for a spin and ended up in Seatoun where I placed an advert in the post office window: "Looking for house rental". I offered the lady behind the counter some money for the advertising service but she refused. "Just tell me when you find a place so that I can remove it" she said. I walked back to my rental car and drove to two places that were for rent on the north east side of Miramar, on the ocean front. One house was far too big for me, the other one was better and I will have a look on the inside this coming thursday. It feels good to have a look around, getting a sense of what is out there will help to narrow down my house search list. Later this afternoon Matty the runner showed me one more place (which happened to be very cold and damp) and I finished the day by going to Breaker Bay where I saw another home. Anyway, needless to say that my left hand driving is improving (even though I drove on the right side some where today, no incoming traffic though :-) ). To change the subject, I enjoy the fact that there are a few Indian restaurants in Wellington, had a meal in one of them this evening and felt that it had been a good day!

PS I managed to add "e-mail subscription" to my blog. Not sure if my "compelling" writing will make people subscribe to my blog but in general I find it a simple but amazing web feature that allows people to get the latest news alert delivered to their electronic mail box. More info to look at :-)

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